How to Make the Transition to Assisted Living Easier on Your Aging Loved One

There are many signs that can indicate that it may be time for you to help an aging grandparent, parent, or other loved one transition into a less independent style of living. Perhaps they have had a fall that resulted in them being left alone in pain for a significant period of time, or maybe their health, in general, has declined to a degree that makes it impossible for them to look after themselves any longer.
There might not have been a particular incident at all, just smaller indications that your loved one would be much better off with a bit of help and extra security in their life. Whatever the case may be, transitioning an aging loved one to an assisted living facility can be challenging.
Not only will you certainly be faced with at least mixed emotions about the change, but finding the right facility can also be difficult. You want your loved one to be healthy and looked after while also being able to function as independently as possible.
If you are currently in a situation where you need to help your loved one to transition into an assisted living facility and are being faced with some such challenges, here are a few tips to help make the change a bit easier on everyone involved.
Include Them in the Process
Many elderly individuals instinctively feel reluctant to make the change to an assisted living home because they feel as though all control over their life is being taken from them. This is only going to create a more difficult situation for them going forward as well as for you as the one making the call. However, if they are now in need of additional help, such as memory care St. Louis, then it is a call that must be made.
The best thing you can do is involve them as much as possible in the process. Take them on tours of facilities and encourage them to ask questions about the place they might be moving to. Check in to see how they would prefer the move to take place and what items they would like to bring with them.
You can also have some fun together by finding new furniture and décor pieces for their new home. Bringing a sense of newness and excitement to the process will help them to retain some control over things while also making them more comfortable with the changes in general.
Be Patient
The most important thing that you can do for your loved one during this time is to be as patient as possible. There are bound to be setbacks in terms of their emotions, and they will certainly have their own set of fears and uncertainty about the change.
However, patience and understanding on your part will make the process that much easier for them. Listen when they need to talk and reassure them when their resolve falters.