How To Choose Health Insurance During Crises

The year 2020 has been challenging on all fronts for everyone, especially when it comes to health and finances. The year reiterated the importance of health insurance plans in our lives. Having adequate health coverage ensures that yours and your family’s medical needs are protected in case of emergencies.
However, a decision of buying health insurance during crises should be made after careful evaluation. Below we have enlisted the points that you should consider when buying health insurance in crisis times. Here, take a look!
Things To Remember When Buying Health Insurance During Crises
Health Insurance Sum Insured Amount
First things first, the health insurance sum insured you opt for is of utmost importance. It is the amount that will cover your and your family’s medical expenses. The amount you choose should depend on several factors. However, before you come to a figure, ask yourself the following questions –
- What is your current financial situation?
- What are yours and your family’s medical needs?
- Do you or anyone in the family have a life-threatening health concern?
- What are your family’s expenses?
The answers to these questions will help you evaluate your needs and decide the sum insured amount. In case you are worried about the cost of the policy based on your desired coverage and add-on benefits, use the health insurance premium calculator to determine the same.
Health Insurance Coverage
The health insurance policy you buy should provide extensive coverage to you and your family members. You can consider buying Bajaj health insurance as it is one of the popular health plans available in the market that offers extensive coverage. This means your insurer should provide coverage for a wide range of diseases and health conditions under your chosen policy.
Plus, the waiting period for certain life-threatening diseases should be minimum. That way, if you happen to suffer from any acute health concern in the future, your policy will cover the treatment and medical costs without the waiting period being an issue.
Network Hospitals
Another thing that you should consider when buying health insurance is the network hospitals enlisted under your chosen insurer. The insurance provider you select should provide a wide range of network hospitals across the country.
The reason to choose such an insurer is that you can avail the cashless claim settlement facility. So, in case of medical emergencies when you are seeking treatment at a network hospital, the claim is settled directly with the hospital. Besides, with the cashless claim settlement facility, you do not have to spend any money from your pocket or undergo the time-consuming reimbursement process.
Online Reviews
Research on different policies online and shortlist your options before you buy health insurance in India. You can then compare multiple health insurance plans based on their premiums, features, benefits, exclusions, claim settlement ratio of the insurer, etc.
In addition to this, read the online reviews given to the insurer and health plans by the existing customers. Factoring these aspects will allow you to buy a health insurance plan that best suits yours and your family’s medical needs.