Writing an article with quality content and using a good writing technique is an important part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). We write to express our views, thoughts, and ideas about different aspects of life. If you are someone who loves and enjoys writing, then there are a lot of online platforms and websites that offer writers the opportunity to share their ideas with the world. Have you been wondering how you can submit an article online and get it published? Then this is the right guide that tells you the steps involved in publishing an article online.
When you write good quality content for other websites related to your field or area of service, it is seen as a guest post. The process of writing content for authority websites to generate traffic back to your website is known as Guest posting. Generally, there are good writing tips one needs to learn and know in order to get the best out of their articles.
- Choose a topic that interests you: Before writing any article, the first thing to consider is choosing a topic of interest. Make a rough draft of your article and the contents you intend to include before you start writing. This serves as a proper guideline and will help you understand what must be given emphasis and importance on your article.
- Carry out a detailed research on your topic: Every successful and quality article has a good research work as its foundation. If you intend to write on any topic, it is important to carry out additional research on it. Read related blog posts, journals, books, watch videos and hear from well known personalities concerning that field. This helps to broaden your knowledge on that topic and hence make your writing very easy.
- A rough draft serves as a guide: After you might have done your research and gathered information needed, you can start writing your article from a rough draft. Short and simple paragraphs should start as your introduction and then make sure your readers are able to comprehend and follow your ideas one step after the other.
- Plagiarism is common when it comes to articles and the best way to avoid plagiarism is using your own words and ideas to express oneself on a particular topic or area. There are a thousand and one ways to present the same idea in a different way, so try as much as possible to be original and avoid every form of plagiarism.
- Having a good idea about the field you intend to write on is important. This is known as writing from multiple sources. Carry out the necessary research on the areas you intend to work on and combine all the information you get in creating something meaningful to your target audience.
- If you insist on using definition and quotation, remember to cite their work in your article.
- Always connect your target audience: Every article work has a target audience. Depending on your target audience, be sure to engage them with facts to draw their attention and keep them on a straight perspective. Avoid storytelling or writing out of context from the main idea.
- Proofread, Revise and Rewrite: After writing, it is necessary to proofread and make corrections on grammatical errors where necessary. They are online tools that help in checking errors and can proof read while you write such as Ginger, ProWritingAid etc, you can make use of them as they make your work easier and less stressful.
The main aim of writing an article apart from sharing ideas is for others to read and also give their views concerning what you have written. This is not possible if your article is not published on a blog or website where visitors can read through your content.
Also before you request a website’s editorial team to publish your work ensure that you follow their guidelines strictly so that your article is accepted for publishing. Publishing your article is a process of link building because backlinks are embedded in these articles which generate traffic to your website. Here are some general guidelines you need to follow to help your articles get approved for publishing.
- Your article being submitted must have original content.
- The content of your article has to meet the requirements of the editorial team and the topic must be of relevance to their business brand or service.
- Each content creator or editor has specific exceptions for their writers, these may include number of words, target audience, keywords, authors etc. Make sure you don’t exclude any of this in your article.
- Avoid all forms and manner of plagiarism.
- Remember that the website has the rights to reject any article according to their discretion.
You can reach your favorite blogger or website through their “leave a comment” section, or where they have “contact us”. Social media is another platform you can easily reach your bloggers. Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn are common platforms to search for them. Always keep conversations casual, tweet or email them to get a quick response from bloggers or website owners.